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  • Carbon Value & Carbon Credit Scenario - 21st Century

Carbon Value & Carbon Credit Scenario - 21st Century

  • Carbon Value & Carbon Credit Scenario in 21st Century. Carbon is Life.  Carbon is an essential Element of Human Being!  Without Carbon,  the living cannot exist.  Carbon in the planet is an universal element for balancing all beings harmoniously amongst each other. Why then in the 21 century, is the Carbon element becoming up-side down and crisis, or in other word, the cause of what human call ‘Climate Change’! The answer is:  First, the non–stop Human exploitation of Nature,
    Second is non-stop developing of 1) Technology; 2) Computing; 3) Digitalization and Destruction of Nature  for aiming to reach greater Gross Domestic Production (GDP) instead of greater Gross National  Serenity Value. Therefore Humans have Tried to Control Nature.
    We can see clearly the number of tons of CO2 emission into the air from nations whose are members of the G7. Meanwhile, The Indigenous People and their society are different consciously -  they are believing in and nurturing nature in their daily livelihood! The G7 VALUE SYSTEM is Industrializing and Urbanizing the planet,  therefore they are hungry for Carbon and they  create the concept of Carbon Credit.

